Jak barevná je modrá: Letem světem autismem

3rd place

The publication with the third prize – Jak barevná je modrá (How colourful is blue) – acquaints children with the problem of autism. This topic is covered very well. The book contains many educational interactive solutions including die cuts and 3D elements with hook and loop fasteners. The book block is fixed to hard boards with ring binding for easy handling. The jury rated the great share of binding work and unusual design of the catalogue binding.

Technical Panel

Authors: Kateřina Čížková, Markéta Vítková
Illustrations: Markéta Vítková, Kateřina Čížková, Ivana Lundáková, děti s autismem a jejich sourozenci
Book design: Zora Sokolová
Publisher: Spolek pro Sedlčansko a Královéhradecko
Print: VAN Druck Sedlčany
ISBN 978-80-270-9327-4

Title: Jak barevná je modrá: Letem světem autismem
Licence: Free license

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