1st place
I consider for a moment if I am at a disadvantage when I don’t personally see an exhibition that comes with a catalogue. To be honest, I was firstly unsure what I find amusing about the novelties which are the catalogue. Perhaps it is that they are ordinary, modest and transparent and are shown, at first sight, to be an advantage over the other pre-selected catalogues on the table. I was amused by the description of author Viktor Karlík to the statue entitled Franz Kafka. “F and K. Two letters. You could walk between them. I cannot see the author as a horizontal, but only as a vertical composition.” The descriptions, as the author’s comments to the works, sometimes function as a quick and clear description of the formal aspect of a work, other times the description becomes a metaphor. The relationship between the depicted sculpture and the typography, between the author of the sculptures and the written word, between the graphic designer and the author of the sculptures creates a compact form between which there is a discussion. According to sculptor Victor Karlík the abstract words are the opposite of the tangible sculptures, but in this case it seems that the words come closer to the statues than would at first appear.
Jozef Ondrík
Art Panel member
Author: Viktor Karlík
Editor: Terezie Pokorná
Photographs: Ondřej Přibyl
Book design: Josefina Karlíková
Publisher: Revolver Revue
Print: Fronte
Licence: | Free license |